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  6. Getting your iCal link from HomeAway/VRBO

Getting your iCal link from HomeAway/VRBO

Here is a quick visual guide along with step by step instructions on how to obtain your iCal link from HomeAway/VRBO so you can sync your calendar to your Tripz.com listing.

1.       Log onto your Homeaway/VRBO account.

2.       Once logged in, you will see a menu on the left-hand side.

3.       Calendar, Select Reservations.

4.       Top right Click on the icon of an arrow pointing down and an arrow pointing up.

5.       A drop-down menu will appear, click EXPORT CALENDAR. Copy the link.

How to get your HomeAway Calendar synced with Tripz


Once the link is copied, follow the steps below on how to paste it onto Tripz.com.

  1. Log into Tripz.com and proceed to your Homeowner dashboard.
  2. To the right-hand side of your property, Click ‘Edit’.
  3. Under the drop-down menu, select Calendar.
  4. Paste iCal link here. (right-click your mouse, select paste)

Where to paste your ical link to Tripz.com


Tripz Tipz

  • You are able to sync up to 3 separate calendars.
  • For further assistance on how to sync from other sites. please click here.


Updated on July 25, 2018

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