We promise to give you the best travel experience - from assisting in your search for the perfect rental, to making the decision to book a property. We have simplified the process to make booking your next vacation more convenient and enjoyable, by giving you total control and the ability to openly communicate with the owner without limitation.
Tripz promises to empower property owners and managers. We are here to support and assist you in listing your rentals, enabling you to communicate with travelers directly to book your properties. We will never charge travelers booking fees, making it more affordable for your guests. We are here strictly as an advertising platform for you to sustain and grow your company. We want to help your business thrive. We promise to provide support and assist in building your business around vacation rentals the way you choose.
Tripz.com is committed to putting owners and travelers first! We have a different model that reverts the marketplace back to its original purpose, to bring buyers and sellers together! We are committed to your best interests - no service fees, no commissions, and direct communication! We are here for you and that’s the way it should be, and is, with Tripz.com!