Property Photos Basics

Photos are one the most important parts of your ad as travelers base their decision often times exclusively on quality photos. Great property photos can lead to travelers paying more of a home and adjusting their travel dates to stay at your home vs another. also ranks ads based on having 20+ quality photos.


Adding Photos

There are two ways to edit and add photos to your property ad. Once on the photos tab under edit:

  1. Open your gallery from your desktop, then simply drag and drop images into the drop photos area.
  2. Click inside the ‘click to upload’ box and your photos file will open. You can select multiple images by holding Ctrl or Shift key and selecting the images you wish to upload.



Editing Photos

Once a photo is uploaded you can Reorder Photos or click ‘Edit Info’ and you will have the ability to add:

  • Photo Title – Labels exactly what the photos displays.
  • Photo Description – Adds details of each photo.
  • Main Photo – to designate which image you would like to make as the main image that promotes your property on



After you add a Title or Description click ‘Save’ to ensure your changes are not lost.


Tripz Tipz

The number of photos matter: Guests are 7x more likely to inquire or book your home if you have 20 or more images.

Image Size: Take photos at least 1200×800 that is oriented in a landscape format.

Image Quality: Great lighting will make all the difference in your home appearance.

Image Content: Take quality photos of your home showcasing its best features. Painting a picture for the guests as to what they can expect or see themselves doing will vacationing at your home. Ensure you have a quality photo for each sleeping area and bathroom. However, focus on the amenities travelers do not get in a hotel like the common spaces for them to gather like open outdoor entertainment.




Updated on February 19, 2019

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