Profile Information

Here at, we want our host to take full advantage of everything we have to offer. This includes’s branded profile page. This page allows you to showcase your rental business, and creates another way to make your listing stand out. It does not matter if you are a single homeowner or manage 1,000 properties, this branded page will help boost your business. It gives valuable links to the Host’s own website helping build credibility among guests to generate more inquiries and bookings to all of the Host’s properties.

In order to create a profile page for your listings, log into your host dashboard. On the left-hand side, you will click on the “Profile” tab.



When it comes to selecting your URL and it is available, please be aware that you will not be able to change it once you have saved your profile page. Ensure spelling is accurate, proofreading is highly recommended.  All active listings on your host dashboard will be on this profile page and under your chosen URL. This way, travelers will be able to see all listings you have to offer.


After the ‘Profile Information’ section is filled with the custom URL chosen and saved, the below areas include as well…

  • More About You
  • Images
  • Social Media & Other Links


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Updated on October 11, 2018

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