AVROA – Association of Vacation Rental Operators and Affiliates
AVROA is the Association of Vacation Rental Operators and Affiliates that is made its official launch in April of 2018. AVROA set out to provide its members with services that help them become more profitable and education vacation rental providers. They do this by providing educational seminars, information and resources around upcoming trends and news in the vacation rental industry, along with membership exclusive pricing with top industry providers.
Joining AVROA brings you as a home owner, property manager or industry service provider many great benefits.
You can see all that AVROA has to offer on their website.
To begin the membership process you can visit the sign up page here.
Tripz.com offers exclusive pricing to AVROA member’s to list their properties on Tripz.com. This discount alone would cover the cost of an AVROA Membership, not to mention all the other added benefits.
AVROA has gathered a great group of vacation rental industry leaders to serve on their Board of Directors. This ensures AVROA is always providing true value to its members as being part of the AVROA Association.