respects the intellectual property of others. The licensors of all articles appearing on our site have assured us that they have the right to authorize electronic distribution of the materials they provide to us. If you hold the copyright to work on our site, you may provide us with a written notification of your claim and we will disable access to the materials. Your notification to us must be in writing and must include the following information:
- A link to the copyrighted work;
- Your name, address, telephone number, and email address;
- A statement that you own the copyright at issue or that you are acting on behalf of the owner (and, if so, that owner’s name, address, and telephone number); and
- A statement that you have a good faith belief that electronic distribution of the material has not been authorized by the author or by applicable law.
- A statement that you have a good faith belief that electronic distribution of the article has not been authorized by the author or by applicable law.
Drew Liebentritt
Copyright Services
3422 Old Capital Trail #913
Wilmington, DE 19808
We will, of course, forward a copy of your request to the licensor-publisher. We may restore an article to our online databases if it is determined that your publisher has the right to authorize electronic distribution.